I am delighted to recommend this document, produced jointly between Getting It Right First
Time and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists.
These recommendations, based on the work that has been done across London, are vital in
getting high volume cataract hubs running successfully across the country. This is essential
as we look towards the recovery of the NHS following the COVID-19 pandemic. Cataract
surgery is the most common operation offered on the NHS, so the opportunities are vast.
We know from the GIRFT national report into ophthalmology, released in December 2019,
the difference that eye care can make to patients, helping to preserve sight and the
independence which goes alongside it. As services have been disrupted throughout 2020
and into 2021, I am delighted that this report, coming so soon after the cataract pathways
document also produced by the RCOpth and GIRFT, will contribute towards making a real,
tangible difference for patients



Shared decision making for cataract

Yag Laser Capsolotomy

Post operative cataract leaflet

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